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TAP808 continues to support the youth of Hawai’i to prevent dating violence and provide advocacy services for those in need.

Workbook cover (8.5x5.5 inch, no logo).jpg

What Youth Have to Say:


“My advocate has gone above and beyond to help me in difficult situations and times. She continues to help me through every process in a way that doesn't make me feel overwhelmed or scared from asking for help.”

“My advocate has helped me get through court hearings and has encouraged me to stand up for myself. Every time I needed help, she has provided me with the resources I need or if I just wanted someone to talk to she was there.”

“Thank you for speaking to our class! Learning about healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors is important and I feel like it’s not talked about enough with teens. It can be easy to get stuck in an abusive relationship if you aren’t informed about these things.”